Pope Francis

Reverend Francis RitchieSpiritual DisciplinesLeave a Comment

Bergoglio often rode the bus to work, cooked his own meals and regularly visited the slums that ring Argentina’s capital. He considers social outreach, rather than doctrinal battles, to be the essential business of the church.

He accused fellow church leaders of hypocrisy and forgetting that Jesus bathed lepers and ate with prostitutes.

“Jesus teaches us another way: Go out. Go out and share your testimony. Go out and interact with your brothers. Go out and share. Go out and ask. Become the Word in body as well as spirit,” Bergoglio told Argentina’s priests last year.

Pope Francis known for humility, austerity, outreach to those society rejects | Detroit Free Press | freep.com

It will be interesting to see what direction he takes as the Pope and how much that influence finds its way throughout the church.

He chose a great name.