The Real Pledge of Allegiance

Reverend Francis RitchieUncategorizedLeave a Comment

Today is the election in the US. As Obama and the Catholic Church continue to battle around religious freedom in relation to contraception in healthcare provisions and as Romney holds to the blasphemous idea that America is the hope of the world, we remember who the real hope of the world is – the risen Christ.

Christians, in all their diversity, in all elections around the world when they occur will vote in different ways and for different reasons, yet we place our hope in Christ and declare our allegiance to him over and above any political leader. We declare that there is only one true Christian nation – the Church established by God against which the gates of Hades will not prevail.

Politicians come and go while Christ remains supreme. Today, as votes are cast in the US we recognise there really is only one leader – the one who went to the cross for us and gave us true hope in his resurrection. We declare ourselves citizens of his kingdom first and foremost, ahead of any other political leaning.