A Prayer Amidst the Tragedy of Death

Reverend Francis RitchieUncategorizedLeave a Comment

Let us pray.

Gracious God,
nothing in death or life,
in the world as it is or the world as it shall be,
nothing in all creation can separate us from your love.

We commend those who have died into your loving care.
Enfold them in the arms of your mercy.
Bless them in their dying and in their rising again in you.
Bless those whose hearts are filled with grief,
that they too may know the hope of resurrection;
for the sake of our Saviour Jesus Christ.

Go forth fallen ones, on your journey from this present world,
in the love of God the father who created you,
in the mercy of Jesus the Redeemer who suffered for you,
in the power of the Holy Spirit who keeps you in life eternal.
May you dwell this day in peace,
and rest in the presence of God. Amen.

God of all consolation,
grant to those who sorrow
the spirit of faith and courage,
that they may have the strength to meet the days to come
with steadfastness and patience;
not sorrowing without hope,
but trusting in your goodness though it may feel out of grasp;
through him who is the resurrection and the life,
Jesus Christ our Saviour amidst brokenness.

-From A New Zealand Book of Prayer.